A woman can dream

I must admit I have nothing more to say than the title itself here. What was your reaction to those words strung together?

Art: Theater.xyz

Did it give you hope? Were you hoping for an ending different from what you were put through? And what did this hope look like, I’m curious. Was it like a shooting star or did it have the depth of galaxies? Did the word dream remind of you all the ones that you gave up on? All the sacrifices you made that are considered compulsory compromises? ‘Arre itna bhi toh nahi kar sakti hoon kya?’ would be attached to every instrument, every hobby you set your eyes on, every familiar street that you traded for an unfamiliar city, every warmth that you let go of to provide fire for a family, every medal that you shelved underplaying yourself. How many scents did you lose to accustom yourself to strange smells? Did you numb yourself with distractions and does it scare you that you will eventually run out of them? Did it anger you? Because every closest ma–pedha, nanna, chinna, pinni–are living examples of how a woman just can not.

Or did you smirk, and roll your eyes? Did you compare it to a man’s dream and the sacrifices they make? No judgement there but has become a refelx? Would it make a difference if there were t’wo’ letters less? Or do you just think a woman can not?

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